Site exclusion and sequence specificity in binding of 9-aminoacridine to the deoxytetranucleotide dpApGpCpT.

P. R. Young, N. R. Kallenbach

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The interaction of the mutagenic dye 9-aminoacridine (9AA) with the self-complementary tetranucleotide dpApGpCpT has been studied by a combination of proton NMR titrations and thermal denaturation experiments. A minimum of three complexes of well-defined stoichiometry can be demonstrated in this system. Complex I is a 1:2 9AA/tetranucleotide structure occurring in the presence of excess tetranucleotide. The dye appears to intercalate within the GpC/GpC site of a tetranucleotide duplex. Complex II is a 2:2 9AA/tetranucleotide structure, with two dyes intercalated at the ApG/CpT sites of the duplex. Complex III is a low-temperature 4:2 9AA/tetranucleotide structure containing two dye molecules stacked over the terminal A-T residues of the duplex in addition to those present in complex II. These results show that both sequence selectivity and site exclusion can occur in this model system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6453-6457
Number of pages5
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 1980

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