Static images of novel, moveable objects learned through touch activate visual area hMT+

Jason S. Chan, Cristina Simões-Franklin, Hugh Garavan, Fiona N. Newell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Although many studies have found similar cortical areas activated during the recognition of objects encoded through vision or touch, little is known about cortical areas involved in the crossmodal recognition of dynamic objects. Here, we investigated which cortical areas are involved in the recognition of moving objects and were specifically interested in whether motion areas are involved in the recognition of dynamic objects within and across sensory modalities. Prior to scanning, participants first learned to recognise a set of 12 novel objects, each presented either visually or haptically, and either moving or stationary. We then conducted fMRI whilst participants performed an old-new task with static images of learned or not-learned objects. We found the fusiform and right inferior frontal gyri more activated to within-modal visual than crossmodal object recognition. Our results also revealed increased activation in area hMT+, LOC and the middle occipital gyrus, in the right hemisphere only, for the objects learned as moving compared to the learned static objects, regardless of modality. We propose that the network of cortical areas involved in the recognition of dynamic objects is largely independent of modality and have important implications for understanding the neural substrates of multisensory dynamic object recognition.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1708-1716
Number of pages9
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 15 2010


  • Dynamic object recognition
  • Haptics
  • hMT+
  • Multisensory perception
  • Object recognition

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Neurology
  • Cognitive Neuroscience


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