title = "Streaming-enabled parallel data flow framework in the visualization toolkit",
abstract = "A parallel dataflow framework implemented into VTK addresses the need for the streaming parallel computation in visualization pipelines.",
keywords = "Parallel dataflow, VTK, multithreaded, streaming, visualization pipeline",
author = "Vo, {Huy T.} and Comba, {Jo{\~a}o L D} and Berk Geveci and Silva, {Cl{\'a}udio T.}",
note = "Funding Information: 3. H. Childs et al., “A Contract-Based System Acknowledgments for large Data Visualization,” IEEE Visuali- Many people at Sandia National Labo- zation, IEEE Press, 2005, pp. 190–198. ratories, Kitware, and the University l. Bavoil et al., “Vistrails: Enabling Interac-of Utah contributed to this work, in- tive, Multiple-View Visualizations,” IEEE Vi- cluding Daniel Osmari, Brian Summa, sualization, IEEE Press, 2005, pp. 135–142. Jason Shepherd, Ken Moreland, and C.P. Botha and F.H. Post, “Hybrid Schedul-Brian Wylie. Our work was supported ing in the DeVIDE Dataflow Visualisation in part by Sandia National Labs, and Environment,” Proc. Simulation and Visualiza- by grants from the US National Sci- tion, SCS Publishing, 2008, pp. 309–322. ence Foundation (IIS-0905385, CNS- W.J. Schroeder, K.M. Martin, and W.E. 0855167, IIS-0844546, ATM-0835821, lorensen, The Visualization Toolkit, CNS-0751152, OCE-0424602, CNS- 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 1998. 0514485, IIS-0513692, CNS-0524096, J. Biddiscombe et al., “time Dependent Pro-CCF-0401498, OISE-0405402, CCF- cessing in a Parallel Pipeline Architecture,” 0528201, and CNS-0551724), as well as IEEETrans.VisualizationandComputerGraph- by the Department of Energy and IBM ics,vol.13,no.6,2007,pp.1376–1383. Funding Information: Faculty Awards. Additionally, Huy Vo was funded by an Nvidia Fellow ship in 2009 and 2010, and Jo{\~a}o L.D. Comba was funded by grants from Brazil{\textquoteright}s National Council for Scien tific and Technological Development (CNPq; processes 200498/2010-0, 569239/2008-7, and 491034/2008-3.",
year = "2011",
month = sep,
doi = "10.1109/MCSE.2011.88",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "13",
pages = "72--82",
journal = "Computing in Science and Engineering",
issn = "1521-9615",
publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
number = "5",