Study of the doubly radiative decay J0

D. Coffman, F. DeJongh, G. Dubois, G. Eigen, J. Hauser, D. G. Hitlin, C. G. Matthews, A. Mincer, J. D. Richman, W. J. Wisniewski, Y. Zhu, M. Burchell, D. E. Dorfan, J. Drinkard, C. Gatto, R. P. Hamilton, C. A. Heusch, L. Köpke, W. S. Lockman, R. PartridgeH. F.W. Sadrozinski, M. Scarlatella, T. L. Schalk, A. Seiden, A. J. Weinstein, S. Weseler, R. Xu, J. J. Becker, G. T. Blaylock, B. I. Eisenstein, T. Freese, G. Gladding, J. M. Izen, S. A. Plaetzer, C. Simopoulos, A. L. Spadafora, I. E. Stockdale, B. Tripsas, U. Mallik, M. Roco, M. Z. Wang, J. Adler, T. Bolton, J. C. Brient, K. O. Bunnell, R. E. Cassell, D. H. Coward, K. F. Einsweiler, C. Grab, P. C. Kim, J. Labs, A. Odian, D. Pitman, R. H. Schindler, W. Stockhausen, W. Toki, F. Villa, S. Wasserbaech, J. S. Brown, T. H. Burnett, V. Cook, A. D. Li, R. Mir, P. M. Mockett, B. Nemati, L. Parrish, H. J. Willutzki

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We present a study of the decay sequence J X, X 0, 0 + -, based on 5.8 × 106 produced J collected by the Mark III detector at the SLAC storage ring SPEAR. In the 0 mass spectrum, we find two peaks with masses and widths consistent with the axial-vector mesons f1(1285) and f1(1420) that have recently been observed in two-photon collisions. Fits to the angular distributions confirm that the first peak is an axial-vector state, but are unable to distinguish between the f1(1420) or the pseudoscalar (1430) for the high-mass peak. Product branching fractions for both objects are presented.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)1410-1413
    Number of pages4
    JournalPhysical Review D
    Issue number5
    StatePublished - 1990

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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