Supervisory fuzzy control design for a magnetic suspension system

Anthony Tzes, Jung Che Chen, Pei Yuan Peng

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this article, a supervisory fuzzy logic based controller is applied to a magnetic suspension system. The control architecture consists of two loops; a pole placement controller is utilized in the internal loop, and a supervisory fuzzy controller with a Proportional-Derivative structure is embedded in the outer loop to enhance the transient response of the system. This control design is compared in simulation studies with a classical pole placement controller on an example magnetic suspension system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 1994
EventProceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Part 3 (of 3) - Orlando, FL, USA
Duration: Jun 26 1994Jun 29 1994


OtherProceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Part 3 (of 3)
CityOrlando, FL, USA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Applied Mathematics


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