Swift XRT in PC Mode Observes Softening X-ray Spectra as V404 Cyg Declines Towards Quiescence

G. Sivakoff, A. Bahramian, Diego Altamirano, James Miller-Jones, D. Russell

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Since 2015 June 27 the outburst of V404 Cyg has been declining from its outburst peak (ATel #7729, #7731, #7733, #7740, #7752). We report here on the first seven Swift XRT Photon Counting mode observations taken both from public DDT and guest investigator ToO (PI: Miller-Jones) programs after the source began to decline.
Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalThe Astronomer's Telegram
StatePublished - Jul 1 2015


  • Request for Observations
  • Black Hole
  • Transient


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