Talking Texts with Omar Al-Shehabi

May Al Dabbagh

Research output: Other contribution


Talking Texts is a thinking/feeling space for research on the Gulf. A select group of academics and researchers reflect on their positionality, research process, and the politics of knowledge production. In this interview, Omar AlShehabi gives us an overview of his book, Contested Modernity, which contains a history of intellectual and political life in Bahrain that he argued cuts across sectarian lines. By including Arabic language archives and reading colonial archives against the grain, he provides a different reading of society and power in the Gulf compared to mainstream approaches. Omar also reflected on his writing about the colonial origins of the Kafala system and the assumptions of transience in urban development projects and shared his view on the importance of ‘decolonizing’ academic research.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2020


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