Three-dimensional organization of otolith-ocular reflexes in rhesus monkeys. III. Responses to translation

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The three-dimensional (3-D) properties of the translational vestibulo- ocular reflexes (translational VORs) during lateral and fore-aft oscillations in complete darkness were studied in rhesus monkeys at frequencies between 0.16 and 25 Hz. In addition, constant velocity off-vertical axis rotations extended the frequency range to 0.02 Hz. During lateral motion, horizontal responses were in phase with linear velocity in the frequency range of 2-10 Hz. At both lower and higher frequencies, phase lags were introduced. Torsional response phase changed more than 180°in the tested frequency range such that torsional eye movements, which could be regarded as compensatory to 'an apparent roll tilt' at the lowest frequencies, became anticompensatory at all frequencies above ~ 1 Hz. These results suggest two functionally different frequency bandwidths for the translational VORs. In the low- frequency spectrum (<<0.5 Hz), horizontal responses compensatory to translation are small and high-pass-filtered whereas torsional response sensitivity is relatively frequency independent. At higher frequencies however, both horizontal and torsional response sensitivity and phase exhibit a similar frequency dependence, suggesting a common role during head translation. During up-down motion, vertical responses were in phase with translational velocity at 3-5 Hz but phase leads progressively increased for lower frequencies (>90°at frequencies <0.2 Hz). No consistent dependence on static head orientation was observed for the vertical response components during up-down motion and the horizontal and torsional response components during lateral translation. The frequency response characteristics of the translational VORs were fitted by 'periphery/brain stem' functions that related the linear acceleration input, transduced by primary otolith afferents, to the velocity signals providing the input to the velocity-to- position neural integrator and the oculomotor plant. The lowest-order, best- fit periphery/brain stem model that approximated the frequency dependence of the data consisted of a second order transfer function with two alternating poles (at 0.4 and 7.2 Hz) and zeros (at 0.035 and 3.4 Hz). In addition to clearly differentiator dynamics at low frequencies (less than ~0.5 Hz), there was no frequency bandwidth where the periphery/brain stem function could be approximated by an integrator, as previously suggested. In this scheme, the oculomotor plant dynamics are assumed to perform the necessary high-frequency integration as required by the reflex. The detailed frequency dependence of the data could only be precisely described by higher order functions with nonminimum phase characteristics that preclude simple filtering of afferent inputs and might be suggestive of distributed spatiotemporal processing of otolith signals in the translational VORs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)680-695
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of neurophysiology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 1998

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Neuroscience
  • Physiology


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