Whistler-mode wave interactions with ionospheric plasmas over Arecibo

A. Labno, R. Pradipta, M. C. Lee, M. P. Sulzer, L. M. Burton, J. A. Cohen, S. P. Kuo, D. L. Rokusek

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The Naval transmitter, code-named NAU, in Puerto Rico emits radio waves at a power and frequency of 100 kW and 40.75 kHz, respectively. The NAU-generated 40.75 kHz whistler-mode waves are intense enough to excite lower hybrid waves and zero-frequency field-aligned ionospheric irregularities over Arecibo. It is proposed that NAU is responsible for causing the enhanced plasma lines, detected by the Arecibo 430 MHz radar in the nighttime ionosphere F region, in the presence of spread F events. The lower hybrid waves, generated in a broad range of altitudes at the wake of 40.75 kHz whistler-mode waves, have a single frequency of 40.75 kHz but with a spectrum of wavelengths. They can effectively accelerate electrons continuously along the Earth's magnetic field with energies from a fraction of 1 eV to 10 eV. These energetic streaming electrons, when detected by the Arecibo 430 MHz radar, give rise to enhanced plasma lines with a frequency spectrum of ∼3.25-4.75 MHz.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberA03306
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1 2007

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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