Workshop Synthesis: Data analytics and fusion in a world of multiple sensing and information capture mechanisms

Elisabetta Cherchi, Chandra Bhat

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


This paper is a synthesis of the discussions and ideas that were generated during the workshop on "Data Analytics and Fusion in a World of Multiple Sensing and Information Capture Mechanisms" at the 2017 Travel Survey Methods Conference in Esterel (Canada). The workshop explored and discussed a new landscape in which data from multiple sensing and information capture mechanisms may be gainfully combined to obtain richer, more comprehensive, and more representative information regarding human mobility patterns as well as human perceptions, attitudes, and lifestyle choices. The workshop discussed the exciting possibilities, some investigative and predictive analytics pathways forward in terms of methods, and the research challenges in this emerging landscape of data science.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)416-420
Number of pages5
JournalTransportation Research Procedia
StatePublished - 2018
Event2017 ISCTC 11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods - Esterel, Canada
Duration: Sep 24 2017Sep 29 2017


  • association in relationships
  • causality
  • heterogenous data sources
  • high-dimensional data
  • travel behavior data

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Transportation


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