Wrapping it up in a person: Examining employment and earnings outcomes for Ph.D. recipients

Nikolas Zolas, Nathan Goldschlag, Ron Jarmin, Paula Stephan, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca F. Rosen, Barbara McFadden Allen, Bruce A. Weinberg, Julia I. Lane

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In evaluating research investments, it is important to establish whether the expertise gained by researchers in conducting their projects propagates into the broader economy. For eightuniversities, it was possible to combine data from the UMETRICS project, which provided administrative records on graduate students supported by funded research, with data fromthe U.S. Census Bureau. The analysis covers 2010-2012 earnings and placement outcomes of people receiving doctorates in 2009-2011. Almost 40% of supported doctorate recipients, both federally and nonfederally funded, entered industry and, when they did, they disproportionately got jobs at large and high-wage establishments in high-tech andprofessional service industries. Although Ph.D. recipients spread nationally, there was also geographic clustering in employment near the universities that trained and employed theresearchers. We also show large differences across fields in placement outcomes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1367-1371
Number of pages5
Issue number6266
StatePublished - Dec 11 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General


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