Yukawa unification and the superpartner mass scale

Gilly Elor, Lawrence J. Hall, David Pinner, Joshua T. Ruderman

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Naturalness in supersymmetry (SUSY) is under siege by increasingly stringent LHC constraints, but natural electroweak symmetry breaking still remains the most powerful motivation for superpartner masses within experimental reach. If naturalness is the wrong criterion then what determines the mass scale of the superpartners? We motivate supersymmetry by (1) gauge coupling unification, (2) dark matter, and (3) precision b-τYukawa unification. We show that for an LSP that is a bino-Higgsino admixture, these three requirements lead to an upper-bound on the stop and sbottom masses in the several TeV regime because the threshold correction to the bottom mass at the superpartner scale is required to have a particular size. For tan β ≈ 50, which is needed for t-b-τ unification, the stops must be lighter than 2.8TeV when A t has the opposite sign of the gluino mass, as is favored by renormalization group scaling. For lower values of tan β, the top and bottom squarks must be even lighter. Yukawa unification plus dark matter implies that superpartners are likely in reach of the LHC, after the upgrade to 14 (or 13) TeV, independent of any considerations of naturalness. We present a model-independent, bottom-up analysis of the SUSY parameter space that is simultaneously consistent with Yukawa unification and the hint for m h = 125 GeV. We study the avor and dark matter phenomenology that accompanies this Yukawa unification. A large portion of the parameter space predicts that the branching fraction for B s → μ +μ - will be observed to be significantly lower than the SM value.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number111
    JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
    Issue number10
    StatePublished - 2012


    • Supersymmetry Phenomenology

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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